I believe that our collective dreamings and doings cause great things to happen.
I remember telling my grandfather (I called him Boppa) of my dream to be a writer, and he responded by having a tiny playhouse built for me that was delivered to my backyard!
It had sliding glass windows, a linoleum floor, Dutch doors, and electricity! I can still smell the wood.
I wrote my first book that summer.
Then I told my mom about my dream to be a beacon of hope writing books for the world.
She bought me the biggest box of crayons in the neighborhood and made me the best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to bring up into my apple tree fort, where I was when I wasn’t in my playhouse.
That dream held steady as I lived a wild life and did everything in my power to resist its call, until I finally burst out 25 years after writing my first book, by starting to write all the books that lived inside of me.
I think of dreams being made real like a call and response- we ASK in some way, the world delivers in some way.
The asking can be wobbly and uncertain, the delivery may come in forms other than what we originally thought, and still, dreams are delivered.
What dreams are you dreaming? I’d love to know and hold the vision of you receiving them~
After my fiancé John died in 2016, I asked for another great love. When it hadn’t arrived by 2018, I gave up asking. I felt like that asking was just so NEEDY and ineffective. Mostly I just didn’t believe it would ever happen, and it hurt too much to think that it might not.
So many feelings get activated when we ASK.
All the negatively slanted WHAT IF’s march forward to be seen and felt.
All the inner critics rise up to remind about the complete impossibility of the dreams.
Well-meaning people try to help, and their advice falls far short of our dreamings.
Then sometimes we can ASK AGAIN, which I did in the form of going to a love class, and hiring a love coach.
These were wonder-full experiences and didn’t deliver the actual living breathing great love into my life.
So I ASKED DIFFERENTLY and wrote and shared something called “I’m dating the world,” and the world delivered the best possible actual living breathing great love into my life.
His name is David and we’ve been together a year & a half, and so happily living together for a year in San Francisco.
And all the love in the world is reflected through him, and through me, and we are able to share that love everywhere we go, in everything we do.
And when we forget, we practice realigning to the love that is always there.
Love, love ever love,
I am dreaming of my artwork being seen and purchased by those who love and adore it as much as I love making it. I love it when my art makes people happy! I am in need of ways of promoting myself so people can see my art. I am putting it out into the universe to find a way for I just want to keep painting! ???
can you email me …[email protected]
Love Gideon
I can’t bring words forth right now, but I hang on every one of yours. Thank you for being YOU…. out there in the world…. flourishing. ?
oh oh I think I need to ask for more…I think battered down by life I’m asking for less because I don’t want to be disappointed….
I want to write a book about my historical sexual abuse history as a work of fiction to encourage others to reveal and heal as I am healing from hiding this secret for over 60 years. It will be called: That I Remember.
I am so in awe of how you continue to live with attention on and alignment to the silver lining! I have felt so beaten down by my partnership with my young sons father ending, and to feel co ride f enough to even ask for love again has felt so timid in me. Thanks for the encouragement to keep going and to have big asks!
Big Dream One: I want to build gatherings based on two threads of the theme Remembering Our Roots. One thread is knitting design, the other nature connection, half sedentary, half active. Portion of any profits from sale of my knit designs and gatherings to go to global tree-planting efforts. Big Dream Two: An energetic shift toward abundance. I have written hundreds of times in turquoise pen on paper attempting to shift energy of an adult life lived at low income despite working 6-7 days a week all my life – “I am worthy of earning enough to manifest my dreams in this life.”
Erin, You are more than enough! More than enough to manifest the life of your dreams. I support you.
One of my dreams is to have my son living with me in a happy, easy arrangement (he is currently in a group home).
Another is to grow an even larger tribe of love and support and encouragement. Raising ourselves and each other up. Our Wildly Wearable Art is the tool of connecting with amazing people everywhere we show up!
AND to continue loving my body even more and sharing this through belly dance.
AND having more than enough funds to do/be all of it!
Feeling so grateful…