Many years ago now, my mother was in a coma, and I was told she would likely not return to “herself” due to having had a massive surgery and amnesia resulting from the anesthesia.
I visited each day, sitting by her hospital bed and just being with her.
Each day the nurses attended her with such love and care, and she slumbered on, with machines beeping.
I continued my visits, and after 10 days prepared to return to my home in San Francisco.
On my last day, I brought a basket of raspberries– they were her favorite- and even though I knew my mother couldn’t eat them, I felt cheered by their sight in that hospital room.
I sat near the bed, admiring the glow of the raspberries, and suddenly heard my mother speaking!
She said, “You came to revive me.”
And I replied that I had.
She then asked for a raspberry and I tucked one into her mouth and she smiled and chewed so happily.
One by one the raspberries disappeared, and I put some on my fingertips as she had shown me when I was a child.
Just like these on my fingertips in the photo.
Her words have stayed with me, as I watch us all revive each other in various forms, by listening, loving, and being.
We are so powerfull in our tender witnessing, in our deep grieving, and in our many gladnesses and sharing of time and energy.
My mother, who I called Marvelous Marjorie, loves knowing this,
and so do I.
Sending love and the many miracles of reviving to everyone who can use some, and to share these marvelous gifts with each other without end.