I believe that the whole concept of Valentine’s Day was not ever meant to be only for romantic love, or if it was, it’s missing out on a lot.
If we’re going to have a celebration of love, let’s make it inclusive of EVERYone.
Loving ourselves so we can truly love others is the real valentine, and experiencing what I’m calling a Valentine Life, is available to everyone.
I think a Valentine’s Life is one where we each blend and alchemize the wonderfull and the terrible things into a brand new healing mixture we can share.
I call that the “marvelous messy middle.”
Whatever challenging things happen to us, love is bigger.
Let us know and feel that loving is the whole point, and love transcends form and measurement. Love of children, animals, and nature is all around all of us, and reminding us all the time to fill up on love.
There is no need to wait for love. Love isn’t to be found as much as it is to be felt.
Let more feelings of love fill you from everywhere and then offer that love to yourself, others and the world.
Revel rhapsodically in your Valentine Life, and for all the times it doesn’t feel that way, practice alchemizing. That’s what I’m always doing!
I love my family and will start showing it more!!
I lost contact with you for a few years & I’m SO happy to be back! Thank you for sharing yourself with us, my dear sister
I experienced a divorce a few years ago, and very recently a break-up. This Valentine’s Day, I am taking myself on a date, and then marrying myself, as I have read about in Succulent Wild Woman.
I am then going to take each of my good friends on a date, and let them know what I love about each of them. I realize I need to love myself more, and value the relationships I have with my friends and family more, before I am ready to find the Love of my Life. <3
Thank you for helping me find the tools I need to work through grief, and loss, and finding myself and love again.