Every day for more than 25 years, I’ve had the privilege of listening to the collective consciousness in the form of audio messages left on my Inspiration Phone Line. 415 546 3742. It’s available 24 hours a day and it’s one of my gifts to the world.
I originally created the line to connect and communicate with readers of my books, and it expanded to be anyone touched by the art, words and spirit of SARK.
The name SARK was given to me in 1982 by one of my “paper mentors,” the author Henry Miller. It’s an acronym for my name Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy. It’s also the form in which I receive and share my creative gifts with the world.
Every day on the Inspiration Line I hear from people from all over the world, calling to share their feelings, dreams, thoughts, tears, wishes, songs, prayers or just calling to ask me to witness some part of their lives or experience.
I invite people to listen to my outgoing message and hang up, or leave me a message at the end. Many people use the line as a bedtime ritual or morning way to uplift themselves.
I record my outgoing message when my Inner Wise Self advises me to do so, and I don’t plan what I’m going to say- so it’s always a surprise;-)
It’s so magical to connect with other souls in this way. Their “voiceprints” move me so deeply. Occasionally I call people back- there is no criteria for this- I just call when spirit moves me to.
Recently a young woman called to ask me to celebrate something with her- that she doesn’t have much family and she knew I’d be glad to hear about it.
She called to say that she’d been reading SARK for years and that had inspired her to create a life different than the one she had been living. She said, “I was working in a call center in a town in the desert and it just wasn’t my life. So I changed it! I contacted Disneyland and got hired! I’m moving back to the beach and to work at Disneyland, and I wanted to celebrate with someone, so I thought of you.”
I called her back and had the privilege of connecting deeply voice to voice.
After hearing that she’s also a novelist who was yearning to be in creative community, I invited her to be part of my Succulent Wild World membership so she can receive ongoing celebration and support.
I love the magic that happens when we can connect with each other. Here are some other morsels of GOODness about the Inspiration Line:
“Your books are like my soul inside turned out. I just discovered a Creative Companion. You and your book have reawakened my soul. I haven’t done anything creative for years because I always think it’s not the right time. Now is the right time & I am going to paint a painting I’ve already titled as JOY.”
A woman from South Carolina
“I’m so glad you read that poem by Mary Oliver about the peonies. You have no idea what this means to me, so I’ll tell you. My mother had just died, and before she did, told me that she would come to me in the form of peonies- that way I would know it was her.”
This was after I had been “supposed to” change the inspiration line message for weeks and hadn’t- which confirms that my Inner Wise Self always knows the “best” timing!
SARK & the Dalai Lama– a man called to say that he had met me 20 years ago & my smile had changed him, and that his two heroes are SARK & the Dalai Lama.
The art teacher & his whole class calling- a male teacher called to say they’d found my book a Creative Companion in a garbage bag in SF, had never heard of SARK. “We are all calling to say, shout and sing THANK YOU.”
Thank you for connecting with people and inspiring them- we are all inspiring you know, and we all have so much magic to share.
p.s. I also share magic over at Instagram, and invite you to join me there too ~ https://www.instagram.com/SARKifyLife
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I’m feeling delighted today to receive this message and the phone number to your Inspiration Phone Line! Thank you for your smile, your generous heart, and your uplifting art and messages!