Dear Soul in Motion,
I was recently asked this question on my Inspiration phone line,
“How do I let go of a situation that I know I need to let go of?”
I’ve wondered the same thing and have pondered about the subject of letting go throughout my life. And of course there are different types of letting go.
If the opposite of letting go is holding on, I have more experience with that- or at least am more comfortable holding on than letting go.
Let’s explore some more.
Some things that I tend to let go of easily are:
Clutter, certain kinds of old beliefs, chewed gum that has lost its flavor, road trip snack wrappers, repetitive negativity, old newspapers.
Some things that I tend to not let go of, even though I know they don’t feel good are:
Certain kinds of grudges, worrisome thoughts where I feel out of control, making snap judgments, attempting to blame others, and impatience in general.
Some things I love holding onto are:
Positive expectations, good books, memories that please me, love in all of its forms, including people and animals, and the beauty of nature.
What do I think it means to let go?
If something hurts, I tend to let go of it. However, sometimes I get caught when I know it “would be better” to let go of it, and just can’t for some reason, or don’t want to.
This also sometimes occurs with certain varieties of sugar.
So to respond to the question, “How do I let go of a situation that I know I need to let go of?”
I would first ask why.
-Why do I think I need to let go of this?
And I would ask;
-What do I think that letting go of this will give me?
-What will likely happen if I don’t let go?
Do you have anything in your life that you’d like to let go of or feel that you need to? Leave me a comment, I’ll be so happy to read it.
I’ll be back soon with part 2 of The Art of Letting Go and some focusing questions for you. See, I couldn’t let go of this subject!;-))
SARK (aka Sweet Advisor Reminding Kindly)