Dear Intrepid Soul,
In my last Adventure Post, I explained that I ask my Inner Wise Self for guidance and direction about every area of my life and you can too. You can read Part 1 here.
So now, what do you want to ask for?
Any subject, small or large, will do.
You can simply think of something that you’d like to receive in your life, and ask your Inner Wise Self for guidance. You can do this verbally or in writing.
If asking verbally, you can say out loud things like,
“Inner Wise Self, (or whatever name appeals to you) what can you tell me now about _____?”
“What would be good for me to do or know about _____?”
“How can I create more ____?”
“How can I let go of ______?”
If you’re asking in writing, just write fill-in-the-blank sentences like these, or just write a note to this part of yourself about what will be good for you to know.
If you’re just getting started with the Art of Asking & Receiving like this, remember that your Inner Wise Self is exquisitely customized for you and might communicate very simply or in greater detail.
Also, if you ever receive any communications after asking that are less than loving, this is probably an inner critic- just begin again and ask again. Your Inner Wise Self is ONLY loving.
If you feel moved, let me know what you’ll be asking for, and what answers you receive. I’d love to know.
SARK (aka Sparkly Acrobat Rises Keenly)