One of my favorite places to find succulence is with the city of San Francisco, aka SARKFrancisco;-) I published drawings in the newspaper every week on Sundays for 6 years.
Here is one of them, celebrating my love affair.
When I moved here almost 40 years ago, I said that someone took a picture of my heart, drew a city around it, and named it San Francisco.
I feel that way more than ever.
When I’m away and return, I feel like I’ve returned to see a lover. Now I share this beautifull city with my lover and partner David.
This city first welcomed me in my eccentric, creative and flailing ways, and still does.
This city now welcomes me in all of my growth, changes and soarings. It surrounds me when I feel sad or in despair.
The light is captivating here. There is a particular purple twilight that is truly enchanting.
It’s a feisty, flawed and fabulous city. I am so glad to live, love, laugh and CREATE here.
What do you love about where you live?
I’ll love to know.
p.s. You’re invited to explore my NEWest course called: LIVE a Life You LOVE:
SARK’s Miracle Methods to Feel Better, Create More, & Stay Inspired! It’s designed to support you on your journey to create foundational changes in your life. It’s all the ways that I do what I do.
It’s currently closed, but if you’re interested or want to be the first to know when it re-opens, GO HERE to add your name to the priority waitlist.