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I’ve always chosen to write about my personal life because it’s important to me that you know you’re not the only one experiencing challenges, and that you’re not alone.

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Where Miracles Occur

Dearest Miracle Maker, Your great idea, creative dream and vision is being WOVEN into your life. It is not separate from you. Allow the wonders to be woven in, along with all the challenging,...

Creating Miracles

Asking for, and receiving miracles in our lives takes some happy practice.  Practice by sharing here and with others what miracles you would like to manifest in your life.  When we create together...

The WOW in MOM

When I first created my poem and poster "Just for Mom," my mother did not realize that it would be going out to more people than just her. Once she found out that thousands were being printed,  she...


Who "lights up" when they see you? Who inspires you GREATLY? Inspiration is a pure creative dream source energy that you can manufacture and distribute yourself. Inspiration is an "inside job" that...

Willy Nilly

Who's Willy and does he know Nilly?   Whenever I hear the expression "willy nilly" it makes me smile.   It most often represents something scattered or all over the place, or random....

Make Your Writing REAL

Make it REAL. Make your writing look and read the way you've always envisioned it. That way, it's "real" and can travel without you. Making your writing real might involve cutting and pasting, or...

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