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I’ve always chosen to write about my personal life because it’s important to me that you know you’re not the only one experiencing challenges, and that you’re not alone.

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Write to Love

After I married myself in 1997, I wondered how, when or if - I would ever integrate another loving person into my life again. Almost immediately, I met a great person and enjoyed a loving...

You are Safe

I want to remind you that your money really isn't your life.  You are safe no matter how much money you have, or don't have. Your essential safety lies in much deeper places than money. How might...

My Superpower is JOY

One of my absolute favorite people on the planet is Andrea Scher at She is cornflower true blue and adorable too 😉 And, her new site is a WONDERLAND, so go there...

You’ve Won!

You’ve all won beautiful blessings from the universe! Yes, you already have exactly what you need. You can create and do and manifest everything your heart desires and more.  You’re a winner indeed,...

Spread some Sparkle!

Remember that sharing Good News is like sprinkling illumination into the world. Think of the things that are going well and the things that give you pleasure and joy and fill you with love.  When...

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