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I’ve always chosen to write about my personal life because it’s important to me that you know you’re not the only one experiencing challenges, and that you’re not alone.

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  Dear Sparkling Soul (in the absolute midst of everything that goes on in your life,) I've created a NEW way to connect with you! It's called Ask SARK. It costs no money, and it delivers...

Jumping For JOY

Jumping For JOY

I've now returned from vacation and am jumping for JOY- here's my partner John, jumping;-) about how many people are watching my free Activating and Empowering Your Personal Power video series, and...

Oceans of Love

Oceans of Love

I'm in Mexico on vacation with John and our friend Edward for my birthday. I hadn't planned on posting here today, but when I heard about what happened in Boston, I was flooded with the feelings of...

People Amaze Me

People Amaze Me I love that our dreams never stop knocking and desires keep coming. No matter what happens in our lives, we still dream and desire and want more. When I mentor people, I have the...

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