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I’ve always chosen to write about my personal life because it’s important to me that you know you’re not the only one experiencing challenges, and that you’re not alone.

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Do Less, Be More

Do Less, Be More

We are all drawn into the hypnotic spell of doing.  And certainly, things must be done.  Sending us all more BEing in the midst of the doing.  Which involves flowings, floatings, freeings, feelings,...

The Views We See

The Views We See

A kind neighbor magically invited David & I over to his deck to admire the view.  Here I am after admiring that magnificent view and darling David taking the photograph.  It caused me to think...

I Send You Love

I Send You Love

I Send You Love I Send You… Daily prayers and the constancy of love Love is always with us I Send You… Harder laughter and more tears Let’s cry more I Send You… Rich butter cookies with no calories...

Why I Do It

Why I Do It

Here’s why I do it.  Not that 🙂 well, I do that too....? What’s that??! I’m endlessly drawn to people inspiring and transforming themselves.  We are all just inches or moments from doing something...

I Send You Magic

I Send You Magic

 I Send You...Turquoise water and pure white sand I Send You…The discovery of a key on the floor of the ocean This Key is encrusted with tiny bits of shells This is the key to your hidden self. The...

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