Inspiration Sandwich is the second book I’ve written and created. I published it in 1992 and wrote “Eat this book” on the cover.
I created my books to be like ripe fruit- where you can take a bite from anywhere and receive nourishment. It also contains food for your soul.
This book is also my younger brother Andrew’s favorite SARK book. I asked him why, and he said,
“I don’t know why, it just IS.”
He can be quite plain spoken.
All my books are my favorites for one reason or another. Inspiration Sandwich
is full of stories to inspire our creative freedom.
You might know that most SARK books are handwritten & drawn, and this book is that. It was done at the time in signatures of black and white pages, mixed with full color, so many people took the opportunity to color in their black and white pages- and I love this!
“This book is meant to be nibbled and tasted in no particular order. If you can manage to be in pajamas while reading it, that would be wonderfull, and lying in bed with pajamas on is even better! But, if you happen to be in the clothed, vertical world, at least take your shoes off.”
It says on the back cover;
“Remember the sandbox? All you needed was bare toes in warm sand, and maybe a good bucket. Then you could build your own world. We all have wonderfull new worlds to build.”
What’s inspiring to you? What wonderfull new worlds are you building? How are you inviting yourself to be delighted? Let me know, I’ll love to read and celebrate.
Inspiration Sandwich invites you to choose a number between 1-46, and then that’s the chapter that you begin reading first.
Chapters include:
1) Invite someone dangerous to tea
2) Swing as high as you can on a swingset by moonlight
3) Learn to watch snails
4) How to take a miracle walk
5) Make friends with freedom and uncertainty
6) Drive away fear
Here’s an excerpt from chapter 46, Find Inspiring People:
“All of my friends inspire me too. I believe that inspiration can illuminate tiny parts of ourselves and help them to grow. When we speak I have a dream, or creative idea, and inspirational friend can help give it the juice to take shape. How can you tell if a friend is inspiring?
After spending time together, you will feel lighter, happier and bursting with some new kind of energy. It can be quiet energy, and it may not reveal itself until later, but you will begin to recognize the feel of inspiration.
Then you can expand upon it, search it out, spend time there.
Bask in the light of inspiration. Soak up the slanted rays of its energy.
Once we begin to spend time with inspiring people, we will become more inspiring ourselves. It will stick to us. I wish you absolute inspiration.
It’s rare
It’s free
And makes us full.”
I send you absolute inspiration and the courage and willingness to be that for yourself and others. Let me know who and what inspires you- it will expand all of our creative dreams.
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Dear Sark! Remembering the days when I was working the Soul Food Cafe and we collaborated. After a long silence my creativity has ignited again and I am compiling a Bumper Catalogue of Creativity- part retrospective and taking steps to reclaim my role as artistic midwife! warm wishes to you Heather B
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