Who entered my life like a cosmic comet of love on May 21 2018, and now becomes 58 earth years on Sunday the 28th of April.
Here we are playing under a bower of wisteria near our home. The scent under the bower is dizzying in its splendor.
And here’s a partial symphony of love and appreciation for David Lee Rotman:
His Dad recently said to him, “You’re the most thoughtful person I know.”
And I agree.
He lives, works and plays in this world as an Angel of Love, and has been studying and practicing being love and loving since he encountered and experienced significant difficulties decades ago.
He is willing to primarily be with despair, rage and depression, mine or his own, without trying to fix it. And for the times he tries to fix it, he usually recognizes it and stops.
He prays.
He is learning to love ALL of the feelings in his emotional family, and practices daily, and helps me to practice too.
I love his willingness, strength, kindness, ferocity, HUMOR, ease, patience, sexiness, tenderness, creativity and incandescent spirit.
Here’s some of what I’ve learned and relearned from him in this almost year together….
I’ve learned that I could experience more life and love than I ever thought possible.
I’ve learned that patience is less a virtue than a lived choice each day.
I’ve learned that love comes again and again, in every way.
I’ve relearned that expression of all feelings is essential for love to thrive and grow.
I’ve relearned that each day can be a celebration and recommitment to love.
I’ve learned that letting go is not giving up.
I’ve learned that orgasms are a creative engine.
I’ve learned that there are many ways to care for a kitchen sponge:-)
David, thank you for doing your deep psychological work and continuing to do this work. Thank you for not only taking chances, but making them. Thank you for creating a life that you could so completely share. Thank you for moving from Massachusetts to San Francisco do so. Thank you for so fully loving your mom, dad, children, brothers, their spouses and all of your relations.
Thank you for being a creative liver, thinker and be-er. Thank you for the ways you love(d) your grandmother Ida, so that I would know your heart. Thank you for dating the world as I do, and first calling the Inspiration Line (415 546 3742) all those years ago, and then again last May and asking me to call you back, and being so present for love when I did.
Thank you for being my lover, teacher, and partner on the “eternal playdate with the perfect playmate.” Thank you for being willing to love and be loved SO WELL.
Thank you for bringing even more life to my life and for being like a male version of me;)
Here’s to more and more love being created and shared, between us and with the world, as we continue on this magnificent and sometimes terrifying journey called life.
Thank you for blending and alchemizing the terrible and wonderfull right along with me, and creating brand new healing mixtures.
Thank you for the perfection of your soul and the many ways we both choose to grow and change, and to continue doing so.
Thank you for laughing so much and making me laugh so often and completely. Thank you for having meltdowns and flip outs of your own so that I can feel even more free to have mine.
Thank you for wanting to join my Succulent Wild World community and being so utterly happy in it.
Thank you for being a Succulent Wild MAN.
Cascading thank you’s for “Majoring in Susan Kennedy and minoring in SARK.”
Thank you for loving SARK as much as I do, and in some cases more.
Thank you for truly knowing my creative and spiritual gifts and helping me to nurture and nourish them so completely.
Thank you for always bringing fresh flowers for my art table.
Thank you for encouraging me to spend time with all of my beloveds and for me to take the time and space to be “self lovingly separate” and for doing this work yourself.
Thank you for your love beaming, glowing and growing in this world. It’s an honor and privilege to know you, and to love you and to be loved by you.
Love, everlove,
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Happy Birthday David! May this birthday year be filled with love and creativity, and more exciting adventures with SARK!
Love letters to the world through loving one another is a great, sacred and profoundly impactful ritual we forgot along the way of our evolution out of emotion. Our suppression of our surprisingly creative expressions of joy and our sensually compassionate explorations of not joy.
Somehow, somewhere we stalely misunderstood stillness, projected perfection, relational isolation as safety.
Your willingness to share and shine in the messy middle, the undulating unknown and the heroic harmonics of loving one another and yourselves has been freeing to witness.
Your love is a potent puddle of possibility with its own tide causing hope to rise in the hearts of all of us.
Big heartfelt hug to both of you. Leaving a gardenia on the altar of your love … thanking you for your willingness to open the temple door and let the fragrance of your knowing and not knowing to scent the air around you. With permission. To just be. Happy rebirthday to David and all of us!
Thank YOU for sharing with me what life and love can be through the union of you two. Your journey(s) are remarkable.
I needed the reassurance that this kind of loving ? relationship is possible. THANK YOU & hApPy bIRTHDAy David ☀️??☝️