This is especially for everyone who isn’t a mother of physical children. For everyone who wanted to be, but didn’t or couldn’t. Or wanted to want to, but just didn’t.
For everyone who never wanted to be, but sometimes wishes there was a holiday for them too. For everyone OTHER than and in addition to, the wonderfull mothers.
For everyone who helps mothers mother, and everyone who is behind the scenes for all the mothers and the children, and those that love them. For all the godmothers, aunts and uncles and all the mothering with animals too.
So here’s to a new holiday I’m calling Other’s Day, and of course it fits for Mothers too, because they are not only mothers mothering.
And here’s to the never mothers who relish the idea of being an other
and the others of EVERY description who didn’t fit in, or didn’t play a role that everyone could see or understand.
Here’s to all of us unique, illuminated, astounding human BEANS, bouncing along and BEAMING our love, no matter what day it is, or what it’s called.
Happy Other’s Day makes me smile, so of course I wanted to share it with you.
SARK (aka Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy)
p.s. We have SARK poem blankets on sale right now here for Other’s Day:-) Happy Othering!