April is my birthday month, April 19 is my birthday day, and as some of you know, I celebrate my birthday all month.
Here I am SAVORING life in April with 5 month old baby Alice, darling daring daughter of dear friends Annie & Kyle.
And I do so delight in alliteration;-)
In honor of being alive, I thought it would be fun to create a dancing alphabetical list of just 26 ways I love and appreciate this world and you. Of course it is not a complete list!
If you feel like sending me happy birthday blessings, I invite you to also add some ways you are loving and appreciating this world– I’d love to know, and thank you!
And whenEVER you might share a comment, you are not late, it is not belated, you are right now!
The Dancing Alphabetical List
A is for Alchemizing the terrible and wonderfull things into a brand new mixture we can more easily use for healing. And A is for Amazing people constantly creating, learning, laughing and loving. I’ve waited my whole life for this time of deva-station in the world to really teach us all the real meaning of living and loving. There are powerfull Devas creating the NEW in this station of our lives, divine beings among us, and the divinity in us, bringing new forms into being.
B is for Benevolence in its every form, like waves and tides constantly regenerating and creating energy.
C is for CREATIVITY swooning around the universe seeing new ways all-ways to surprise, support and sing us home.
D is for Delight daring us to find the joy in every little thing that we can, and share it mightily so that others may be delighted also. D is also for David, who has entered my life and heart with such heart opening love wonderment- I love you David!
E is for Energy filling us all in every instant so that we can fill ourselves in return, and create more to share with the world.
F is for Feelings which saturate every crevice of our humanity, calling us to our knees and to the heavens in tandem rhythm ribbons.
G is for God who is infinite in names and expressions of love.
H is for Humor leaping lovingly into all our moments of life, causing a trillable erupting sound called laughter to accompany us all, and escort us through the challenges.
I is for INsights arriving just when we need them.
J is for Juiciness in EVERY form- mangoes, peaches, people, possibilities and pleasures.
K is for Kindness which abides as a renewable energy source, filling and infilling our souls into infinity and adding grace to all our relationships.
L is for Loving which really is the whole point.
M is for Miracles- they love to be asked for and received!
N is for Naps that make the world go quiet.
O is for our Open Hearts that we choose to keep open so that we can continue giving and receiving.
P is for Presence to it all- for the gifts we can give to ourselves and others by simply being present to what is.
Q is for Quiet and all the blessings that flow from it as a result.
R is for Response-ability and the miracles that reveal themselves through our multitudinous responses.
S is for SARK who magically arrived in my life in 1982, and has allowed and inspired me to share an endless fountain of creativity with this world and every other dimension.
T is for Tenderness that surrounds our souls and inspires us to have, to hold and to cherish ourselves and this world.
U is for Understanding that all the differences are more chances to practice loving.
V is for Vibrations which we all feel and some see.
W is for Wonderfull and the fullness of wonder which swells our hearts and refills our souls and sends us swirling in such splendor.
X is for marking and making the spot visible- it’s the “You are here” in this world, and we are all right here.
Y is for YES in all of its incandescent forms, and yes to all the conscious No’s too.
Z is for tiny dancing Zebras, because we just need them.
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S is for Susan! who has enriched our lives! J is for Jupiter! and L is for letter writing. (i’m going to write more postcards) and I is for Inspriation Line is is still going?
Dear SARK Heart – I love your work and have followed you from the earliest times and so delighted to reconnect. Thank you, thank you thank you for your birthday gift to us! I wish you much happiness and the best of ever year for your April Birthday. Could you please make this available for us to buy as a gift to other people who need you in their lives?
David, I love your persistence! Thank you for coming into all of our lives!
Happy Birthday SARK! I enjoy all of your writings.. many many more. C is for cats who teach us about giving and receiving love and being independent.
If all the world experiences this fountain of creativity by reading or hearing your inspired words, we may raise in vibrational unison!
What a Huge and Loving Blessing!
If all the world experiences this fountain of creativity by reading or hearing your inspired words, we may raise vibration in unison!
Happy Birthday!!!! My birthday is April 3rd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love You, Nina
Sark, Happy B”earth”day to you. So glad you add so much to the “YOU”niverse on multiple levels
I luve in gratitude with good attitude, always climbing to the altitude of growth
So joyfull for rhe LOVE of you and David. Joyfully Joya
Happy B”earth”day. The “YOU”niverse is Blessed that you bring so much on so many levels. Wonderfull that you and David share ?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ?, dear SARK. I’m hosting a birthday party today for my dearest friend. We have known one another for 30 years and I’ve helped her threw MANY sad times; the loss of her mother, the loss of her husband and an extensive illness with lung cancer plus other illnesses. Glad to say she’s doing well!!
I’ve followed you, SARK, since the early 80’s, have all your books, posters on my walls, and love my ” Dogs are Miracles with Paws” blanket.
Have a wonderfull birthday and thanks for your inspirations. ?
Sending you the awe-inspiring birthday-miracles to one of my favorite fellow creators. 🙂 I add what comes up in me spontaneously to B: B is for Being Brave enough to be yourself no matter what. 🙂
Love and blessings,