I’m writing a lot about “deeply grieving & wildly living” in my new book:
Living (Mostly) Wonderfull:
The Surprising *Gifts of Terrible Things
*the gift locating is optional- some things just remain feeling terrible.
I believe that there is a new paradigm of grieving available to us all, where we are grieving not only for death, but for all of our ongoing losses.
We can be actively deeply grieving and wildly living, both at the same time with all the small and large losses in our lives- things like daily routines, lost dreams, relationships, health, hopes, ways of living, challenging financial circumstances, social justice, climate changes, these and so many other losses all call for our active grieving.
We can grieve everything as we live, and blend it all together, and apply that healing mixture skillfully to the lives we are living right now- in all of our circumstances.
Before my former fiancé John died in my arms in 2016, I thought that grief was known to me, and after the deaths of my parents and cat, and all my losses of all kinds.
I thought I was somewhat “experienced at grieving.” And of course I knew something about it, as we all do from living a life.
Death most often brings our awareness to grief in a bigger way- I know it did for me.
My experience with John’s death showed me how little I actually knew– because grief showed up endlessly to teach me.
There is so much to grieve right now.
Death of course, and losses of all shapes and sizes. There are all the non linear stages of grief to navigate and feelings to feel, and there is just so much to grieve right now.
That’s the good news.
It’s good because we love and we grieve. If we’re willing, we can let our grieving lead to even more loving.
Fear of grief and grieving is a larger loss than whatever we’re grieving. We fear grieving because we think we’ll feel worse if we participate, when in fact, we’ll feel…
perhaps not better at first- but different.
That “feeling different” starts the loosening and softening of our resistance to grieving, which then leads to more loving.
As you may know- in 2018, I allowed more love into my life in the form of a remarkable soulmate named David, and we live and love in this kind of “grieving while living” paradigm- deeply grieving and wildly living both, and everywhere in between. And I experience MORE LOVE as a result of this kind of grieving.
What’s your experience with grieving and what losses are you particularly experiencing right now? Let me know.
Also, I am inviting you to join me Thu/17 @1pm Pacific for a special gathering on FB Live, to show you ways to release some losses & let in some more love.
Register HERE and you’ll receive a recording if you can’t be there live.