I created the word CareLoving when I was caregiving for my at that time fiancé, John. He was sick for 9 months, and then died in my arms. As you may know, I have been deeply living and wildly...
Planet Sark
In The Healing Times
As I complete my 7 weeks of being weightless (aka non weight bearing) after a broken ankle, I’m reflecting on the nature of healing, which is not linear like a ladder- it is spiral like a coil. ...
Inspiration Sandwich- Eat this Book
Inspiration Sandwich is the second book I’ve written and created. I published it in 1992 and wrote “Eat this book” on the cover. I created my books to be like ripe fruit- where you can take a bite...
PLAYing HEARTily with LIFE
Many years ago, I was still learning how to swing as high as I could on a swingset by moonlight- here I am, playing in the daytime, wearing my favorite red pajamas. My mom had this long ago photo up...
How to Keep Going Creatively
We all have creative desires. Creativity is in all of life- it’s in the babies and the flower gardens, in the kitchens and our dreams. If you close your eyes and think of where your heart sings- it...
3 Lessons Learned (and relearned-so far) From My Wake Up Fall
I recently fell and broke my ankle, and am learning a lot from the experience. If you didn’t see that post, you can read it here. This photo is of me using the iwalkfree 2.0 device, that allows for...
Wake Up Fall
In my Succulent Wild World program and membership, the theme for this month is JoyFULLY Receiving June, and I’m certainly practicing! I believe that we always teach best what we most need to learn. ...
After 25 years of Procrastination
I used to be a master procrastinator. In retrospect, I believe I just needed more time to marinate in all that I wanted to write and share with the world. Also, I had a lot of healing and living to...
Happy Furthers Day
Father’s Day isn’t a celebration for everyone. It can be challenging to either join in or ignore the holiday called Father’s Day if you experienced any of the following with a father or father...
Lit UP by Love
What does it mean to be and feel lit up by love? It’s easy to see and be love when we’re looking at loving people, places or things. Here are David and I, lit up by love on our recent 1 year...
Why Create Anything?
I’ve been creating as SARK for almost 4 decades now, and I feel more creative than ever! Here I am dreaming new creative dreams under a bower of wisteria in San Francisco. I recently sent out some...
Like Lava Creating New Land
Thank you for drawing ? my attention to something I wrote last month about how loss creates opportunities for new love to grow. Here’s an excerpt from what I wrote; "The love I am able to...