Sometimes we wonder if our writings or creations matter, or "count." I want to assure you that they do. I want to infuse you with extraterrestrial wisdom that sees beyond the ordinary human places...
Planet Sark
Your Inner Writer is Your Ally
Remember - in addition to your inner Wise Self, you have an inner writer. This part of you is powerfull, creative, and expressive and wants you to acknowledge and empower it to act through writing,...
Only YOU can write what you write!
I'm enJOYing all the deliciousness at the Writing ReTREAT in Hawaii. What an amazing group of Succulent Writing Women! Hearing their stories has reminded me to share with you that only you can...
ReFRESH yourself and inVIGORate your writing
Are you telling any repetitive or draining stories about your writing? If people ask how your writing is, do you sigh, or avoid the subject? Do you ever feel like it's "enough"...
Allow the Fun of Flowing your Writing
Your writing will respond beautifully to you letting it flow. Flowing is non linear, it's full of grace and wonder. Fresh peaches and slants of sunlight are commonly seen during times of flow....
What you love is as, or more important than what you write
You are a spiritual being, having a human experience. Your writing is part of your spiritual expression. Overscheduling your writing will diminish your writing AND your joy in living. I can...
Your Stories Heal!
You Cannot Know The Effect Your Story May Have! When you write your stories, they can travel without you and touch others hearts, minds and spirits. This is your opportunity to share your life...
Everytime you write, something valuable will occur!
Everytime you write, something valuable will occur! This is what we don't believe. Our minds trick us. Our minds lead us into thinking that we can't possibly have any thing of value to write about,...
Your Writing Loves You
Your inner Wise Self is your giant writing coach. This wise part of you arrived when you were born and will be with you your whole life and after. Most people know that they have this part. You...
Write, Pray, Love and Take out the Garbage
I'm so happy Elizabeth Gilbert wrote Eat, Pray, Love. Besides being a marvelous book, it's really fun to play with the title. I also really enjoy Jack Kornfield's book and title; "After the Ecstasy,...
Don’t Write While Driving!
Don't Write While Driving! Actually, this is untrue. You can write in your mind, anywhere your mind goes. Some of my best writing occurs in the bathtub, while washing dishes and out walking. I'm...