Planet Sark

Creating and Collapsing

Dear Creative Soul, When things feel difficult, it is tempting to contract or collapse in the midst of them. When we feel hurt or diminished, it can feel natural to curl inward and just hide there....

A Mighty Woman Soaring On

I wrote the following on Wednesday May 28, 2014 soon after I found out that Dr. Maya Angelou had died. I then wrote more below about how my life was woven with hers, and with all of ours. Dr. Maya...

Becoming Your Dream

Becoming Your Dream

I found this medicine cabinet on the street in New York City when John and I were there last month. I think it represents a kind of soul medicine. I love that someone wrote this message on the...

A Rainbow in the Sink

As you may know, the R in SARK stands for the name Rainbow. The other day, I felt particularly crabby and resistant about something, and I looked up to see this rainbow in the sink. I yelped in...