Dear Creative Soul, When things feel difficult, it is tempting to contract or collapse in the midst of them. When we feel hurt or diminished, it can feel natural to curl inward and just hide there....
Planet Sark
Part Two: A Mighty Woman Soaring On
Dear Radiant Soul, I've been writing about some of my personal experiences being mentored by Dr. Maya Angelou. You can read that post here. I've loved your comments and reflections and so appreciate...
A Mighty Woman Soaring On
I wrote the following on Wednesday May 28, 2014 soon after I found out that Dr. Maya Angelou had died. I then wrote more below about how my life was woven with hers, and with all of ours. Dr. Maya...
Becoming Your Dream
I found this medicine cabinet on the street in New York City when John and I were there last month. I think it represents a kind of soul medicine. I love that someone wrote this message on the...
Unexpected Sweetnesses
As I move around the world in my life, I'm always being reminded that there are unexpected sweetnesses to be seen and appreciated. While on a beach walk with my partner John the other day, I was...
Set Free Your Creative Expansions
Dear Soul of Dreams, What causes you to feel creatively alive? It can be the tiniest thing, if you will allow it. Do you put yourself on the path of your own creative thinking? How do you relate to...
How do you keep going creatively?
Dear Flowering Heart, How do you keep going creatively when "real life" seems to get in the way? We all have creative desires. Creativity is in all of life- in the babies and the flower gardens, in...
Why Do You Want To Create Anything?
Dear Curious Explorer, Why are we drawn to dream and create? I believe it's an expression of our love and our very living souls. I believe we have unique ways of seeing and being that can only be...
Love Colored Glasses
Dear Loving Soul, Here I am, wearing love colored glasses, after teaching our Magical Manifestation ReTREAT in Calistoga last month with my beloved Dr. John Waddell and Amy Ahlers. It was an...
A Rainbow in the Sink
As you may know, the R in SARK stands for the name Rainbow. The other day, I felt particularly crabby and resistant about something, and I looked up to see this rainbow in the sink. I yelped in...
For You: Love As Big As The Whole Sky
To my dearest Love's Blossom, I am envisioning a spectacular New Year ahead for you. It is moonlit and filled with fresh wonders. New brave parts of you are emerging. Wily old patterns are...
What do you do to spark your creativity?
I'm SO inspired by the return of the SARK blankets! I want the world to know all about it, so I visioned what I could do, and I remembered something I LOVED to do when I was small... (and still...