Dear Exceptional Soul, What does it mean to you to ASK? Do you easily ask others for help, assistance, favors, opinions, guidance? If not, why not? If so, what empowers you to do so? I believe that...
Planet Sark
Save The Happy Date
Dearest Luminous Life Loving Soul, In this photograph from our engagement party, I’m swooning over the words that were being spoken, and John is moving faster than the camera can capture;-) As I...
Engaged In Love
Dear Love Beam, Our very creative & extraordinary friends (as all good friends are;-) gave us an engagement party. Thank you to Amy & Rob, Val & Joseph, Clark, Jonah, Karin, Russ &...
Words of Wonder for You
I came home from first grade and said, "Mom, show and tell should be me everyday." My mom tried to gently explain that the other kids needed a chance, to which I replied, "The other kids don't want...
Blanketed with Love
Dear Envisioning Soul, When I first started writing and publishing my books, I thought of the pages as free to go and be other things, and they became fabulous SARK posters. The joy and inspiration...
The Art of Letting Go Part 2
Dear Luminous Creator of Wonder, I created this post in response to the question "How do I let go of something I know I need to let go of?" You can read part 1 here. So to continue our inquiry about...
The Art of Letting Go Part 1
Dear Soul in Motion, I was recently asked this question on my Inspiration phone line, "How do I let go of a situation that I know I need to let go of?" I've wondered the same thing and have pondered...
Creatively Search + Find
Dear Curious Creative, I love finding great things that inspire me and others. I love doing research. I find great places to rent, free things, ways to collaborate with others, resources,...
How to bounce back when you manifest something UNmagical
As you may know, we've been sending out emails recently about our Magical Manifestation Method course that we've co-created with the fabulous Amy Ahlers- The Wake-Up Call Coach-that's starting soon,...
Magical Manifesting Multiplies
Dear Magical Soul, I admit it. I love alliteration. And when I think of the subject of manifesting, I just want to keep going with the M's 😉 Here I am with 2 of my favorite people on the planet:...
Asking Your Inner Wise Self to help you experience more BOLDNESS & Creativity
Dear Adventurous Life Living Soul, Have you ever done something bold and daring - and looked back and wondered how you ever did that? I'm amazed by all the places I've traveled and walked in my...
Part 2,000- Creating and Collapsing with SARK
Dear Feisty Creator, I'm feeling really inspired to continue our conversation about creating AND collapsing. You can read part 1 here. THANK you for your insights, questions, comments and...