Ask SARK August 2013


Ask SARK is a place where you can bring me your puzzles, fears, celebrations, wonderings, or anything you feel guided to Ask SARK. Random and serendipitous is good! Curious or contemplative is welcome.

My Inner Wise Self and I will intuitively respond. Who knows what will happen??

Below you’ll find the first set of juicy questions I received from brilliant human beans and my succulent responses.

If you have something you’d like to Ask SARK send it here:  [email protected]


SARK (aka Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy)


Q:  I would like to ask for suggested personal reflections or explorations when someone has the experience of a beloved one with a short time to live.  – Lynda


SARKDearest Lynda,

When my mom was dying, I read a book called Stay Close and Do Nothing that helped me a great deal, because at that time, I felt helpless and sure that my not bring able to do anything was where my suffering was. I now know that my resistance was my suffering. I then began reading and reflecting on a book called Grace in Dying, and I began to experience the grace.

Thank you for asking this beautifull, poignant question and if it is your beloved that has a short time to live, I send you grace and allowing, and a strong connection to what I call your Inner Wise Self.

You can dialogue with this aspect of yourself and receive even more specific guidance and support. Just ask and write down what your Inner Wise Self says.


Q: The world is changing, do you feel we’ll see a completely NEW world in our lifetimes or is it still going to take longer? Is the momentum shifting fast enough to see the results in our lives? – Emily


SARKDear Emily,

I believe that we are already seeing a completely new world every moment that we choose.

The momentum is even swifter now as more people wake up to their divinity and creativity. I’m so excited to see what MORE we will create. What results would you like to see?



Q: What is the one (or one of the many) practices you do each day that feeds you, grounds you, makes you happy?  -Madonna


SARKDear Madonna,

The practices that most ground me are what I call the three I’s.

I created these to live a more self loving and creative life.

*Inner Wise Self, Activated and Empowered

*Inner Feelings Care System

*Inner Critic Care System

Practicing these 3 leads to my feeling fed and happy most of the time. And when I feel myself less than happy, I do these transformative practices to fill myself back up.

I also believe in living in what I call the “marvelous messy middle” with all of my feelings.  What are your favorite practices?


Q:  If you could be a vehicle – any possible type of vehicle – what would you be and why?  – David L.


SARKDear David,

Thanks for asking! I am a vehicle of love. This vehicle is shaped like a paintbrush and moves like quicksilver through the world. The fuel is self love and the maintenance is my transformative practices. The speed is the speed of love and there is no limit.

What kind of vehicle are you?



Q:  If you could pick one thing that moved you out of poverty or one moment that was the pivotable point when you knew you were moving out of poverty what you say it is?  -Beth H., Artist


SARKDear Beth,

What moved me out of poverty was my Inner Wise Self in action and creativity. Once I committed to listening to what my Inner Wise Self was advising and taking action, my creativity grew exponentially to meet it. I then allowed myself to create money as I had created art or words. I also explored what energy poverty held for me and why I felt the need to be poor. There are many gifts in poverty, and one of them is as an impetus to something different.

At times, poverty felt like I didn’t have “enough.” I started experimenting with what did feel like enough and experienced feeling like I had enough without feeling like I was in poverty during the decade I lived outside of the money system, on barter and trade. I realized that I always felt wealthy in creativity, inner Wise Self and self-love. Allowing poverty can be a great training ground for allowing more wealth if transformational practices are applied to it.


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