sark baby

I’m about to turn 70 this April, or as I like to call it “Level 7.” It just sounds so fun to have age in decades as levels. I also came up with another favorite: 7D 😉 I love how it sounds when I say it out loud, and it reminds me that I’m entering a new dimension. 

Here I am in this wonderfull photo, in my human beginnings, running towards love. I was probably running towards my Bappa, who was my beloved Grandfather and early mentor. 

I am guided to invite you to join me this month (or anytime!) on 1 or more “Miracle Missions of Love + Kindness”. Some are easily done, others are more complex. A few are really challenging. I created and listed 70 miracle missions to choose from. Or you can create your own if you’re inspired. You could also serendipitously choose a # between 1-70 + see what you get! 

My “actual” birthday is April 19, and I celebrate all month. This is the best gift you could give me- to give and receive more love in this world. I intend to do all 70 of these miracle missions over the next year- we’ll see! 

For those who enjoy these sorts of things; in astrology, I’m an Aries Sun, Virgo rising, Scorpio Moon. In Human Design, I’m a 4/6 Manifesting Generator, Regal Authority Figure, sacral/non emotional. In Myers Briggs I’m an ENFJ (on the edge of I ). In the Enneagram, I’m a 9 with an 8 wing, although I also exhibit lots of 1. 

My darling husband David says that I’m actually three 17 year olds and one 19 year old. Or perhaps I am 35 2 year olds;-) David also says that he promoted me from a 9 on the enneagram to a 10. 

Let me know if you selected a miracle mission and which # or #’s. Or if you made your own miracle mission. I’ll love to know! 

If you happen to see this post and it’s no longer April, my birthday is not belated, it celebrates itself all year, and the miracle missions never expire. 

Thank you for BEing and for reading and for sharing love. Feel free to share this post and inspire more love in MOTION. Tell them you’re a friend of SARK. 

May we all continue to be rebirthing ourselves every day, and may these miracle missions support us on our journey throughout our lives! 


70 Miracle Missions of Love + Kindness 

  1. Compliment or visibly love someone you don’t know (yet)
  2. Clear a clutter of something that’s in your mind
  3. Donate, or share a link to the work of World Central Kitchen, or another charity that inspires you
  4. Adopt a poet by following them, buying their books, sharing their posts or subscribing to their work on Substack if they have an account. Here are some suggestions: Donna Ashworth, Andrea Gibson, James Crews, Carolyn Riker, Julia Fehrenbacher, Rachel Awes. Find more.
  5. Have a difficult conversation that you’ve been avoiding
  6. Lie down somewhere lovely and breathe deeply
  7. Buy yourself gorgeous flowers that make you gasp with their beauty
  8. Polish your inner vision by beginning, or continuing a meditation practice
  9. Do something new, then share about it with someone + receive encouragement
  10. Extend your hands to help another soul
  11. Plant something that will grow
  12. Wear a color you usually don’t
  13. Write a love letter to yourself and mail it to your home
  14. Share this post, or email if you received it in that form
  15. Let go of something heavy you’ve been carrying
  16. Carry things with you on a walk to give away
  17. Celebrate yourself in some way that brings you joy
  18. Laugh or smile with yourself
  19. Invent your life (or a part of your life) over, if it doesn’t feel juicy enough for you
  20. Call me on my Inspiration Phone line 415 546 3742 and leave a message if you wish
  21. Lie down frequently, breathe deeply
  22. Invest in creativity
  23. Read voluminously + buy or borrow more books
  24. Stay loose- whatever that means to you
  25. Inspire yourself frequently
  26. Refuse or retire from activities you don’t enjoy
  27. Activate your activism for what you care for and about
  28. Commit to do less from Fear, Obligation or Guilt- which spells FOG
  29. Commit to do less than ever out of Pressure, Urgency or Scarcity- which spells PUS
  30. Identify your comfort zone, and then bring parts of it with you as you step out of what has been your comfort zone
  31. Invest in wisdom
  32. Let go into love
  33. Overtly love your local library
  34. Dream deeply + write your dreams down
  35. Dare to write or share your stories
  36. Make your most alive choices
  37. Take Miracle Walks
  38. Adventure forward
  39. Talk with people you don’t agree with and find places to connect
  40. Examine the roles you occupy, see if any are outdated or unwanted, and if so, make changes
  41. Plant Impossible Gardens
  42. Make your writings REAL so they can travel without you
  43. Sing songs out loud more often
  44. Let a child lead + notice what you experience
  45. Hug yourself deeply and often
  46. Dance like your inner child is watching
  47. Allow + befriend all your feelings as often as you can. Love them when you think you can’t
  48. Swing as high as you can on a swing-set by moonlight
  49. Be a baby admirer
  50. Imagine Yourself Magic
  51. Be still and let the beauty come
  52. Ask for miracles, tune your vision to see them
  53. Wander in some woods
  54. Find or start a Little Free Library
  55. Nap happy
  56. Live more of your dream life
  57. Share your sparkle, sparkle your sharing
  58. Write it now
  59. Drink sunsets
  60. Love wildly with all your faucets turned on
  61. Surprise yourself
  62. Lie down immediately
  63. Be willing to BE a beginner
  64. Create new ways to share more love
  65. Live like a succulent plant does: gather nourishment from the environment and give it to yourself to live wild, succulent and free
  66. Make little signs that say YES and put them up all over your house
  67. Recognize that the conscious applications of the words yes and no make more room for love
  68. Reconnect with all of your inner children and help them to feel safe
  69. Tell the truth faster
  70. Be a lighthouse in this world and be an artist of your own life

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  1. k

    🌟Wishing you a💫Fabulous✨Birthday🎈month🪅SARK🎉
    You are a True Inspiration❣️‼️

  2. Linda

    Happy birthday,to you, on 19th,,
    my own 70th will be 5th June.
    am so inspired by your 70 missions

  3. Stacy

    My birthday month is also April (the 1st to be exact) and I am an Aries. I love the Level 7. I am two years away from becoming Level 5. And I am excited about it! Getting older is a blessing. I have a blog also I hope that it is uplifting to those who read it. In my next post I am going to link this post as I believe everyone could use some reminders to share kindness in this world. Thank you for your inspiration!

  4. Linda Jackson

    What a coincidence…. I have a May birthday and I was pondering my age just this morning. I will be 74….hard to wrap my head around and thinking how many good years are left for me. I loved your list of 70 things. I will print it off and keep it with me this month of May…..maybe for the rest of the year…. love you, Sark….

  5. Jenni Glenn

    I’ve just reconnected! I was with you in the 90’s and found some stationery from way back then. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I’m sending one to a cousin who is having cancer surgery next week. She’ll no doubt check you out, too. It’s good to see that you’re still in Fine Form.



  1. Reading and Writing - Inspired & Strong | Making the Best of Every Day with Stacy - […] also has a website. Her latest post is about her birthday month, which is April, just like mine. She…

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