Start NOW or forever hold your pieces.
Because of course, it is always now.
I’m inviting you to attend to yourself at my 2-day NEW Year’s Revolution of Love and Joy ReTREAT! It’s on video, online and you can sign up HERE.
“The opposite of old is not young.
The opposite of old is new. As long as we can experience the new, we will gloriously inhabit all of the ages that we are, and welcome all of the dreams that we have”
I created these words to inspire myself to allow and practice the NEW as much as I sometimes try to cling to whatever is more familiar and perhaps not my most alive choice.
The most alive choice often feels scary- fizzy or makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. This is where your creative dreams live.
Bless this newest Year. Bring the oldest you along.
If you want a truly NEW year, become the newest oldest you, and blend the two together and go forward with ALL of you, and let us all see and know that you.
Let me know one thing you are feeling afraid of and one thing you are reveling in.
I’m afraid of anxiety running wild & I’m blending and alchemizing these experiences and others into my “marvelous messy middle” life.
I’m reveling in the explorations of my soul, and drenching myself in what fills my soul as much as possible.
What is one of your fears and one of your revelings?
In this year, may you rediscover and experience all the wisdom that you gathered last year, and apply it again freshly and fully and newly this year.
If you became an activist, deepen it. If you resisted activism, let yourself soften and see what kind actually fits you.
If you tried and failed at something, congratulate yourself for reaching and readjust your approach. Tune your vision to receive in new ways.
If you wanted and it was not given, ask, ask again differently and practice receiving.
If you felt furious, heartsick, lonely, despairing, frightened or baffled, thank you for being human.
If you felt euphoric, joyfilled, satisfied, successfull, resolved and complete, share it.
Happy happy NEWEST Year and blessings to all the other ones too~