We all have creative desires.
Creativity is in all of life- it’s in the babies and the flower gardens, in the kitchens and our dreams.
If you close your eyes and think of where your heart sings- it is where your creativity is too.
Being in nature nourishes our creative spirits.
Giving to others in fresh ways is creative.
Our real lives call for so many things- and there doesn’t seem to be “time to be creative.”
There isn’t unless you create some.
We often don’t think that time can be created- it sometimes feels like time just sits there, linear and stubborn- and immovable. Yet desire moves time. When we create time with our DESIRE, time moves.
Bring your creative dreams and desires to this thread, I want to know what they are, and where you are with them. What do you dream of doing, being or having?
Then join me on Facebook Lively on Thu/18, 11am Pacific, where I’ll guide you playfully through how I’m actively creative every day, and ways you can express your dreams more often. Bring markers if you can!
Register here and you’ll receive the rePLAY if you can’t be there live.
It doesn’t take long, or much energy at all to create time for your desires and dreams.
It takes a perspective shift.
First, allow that you and your life are already creative, then give yourself permission to explore this.
Next, choose a creative desire- what would you enjoy spending more time doing if you had all the time in the world?
Now, envision yourself doing that.
This includes doing “nothing.”
Your creativity will grow with this type of thinking.
Your real life will become and feel more and more creative to you.
There will be a certain glow in your face.
People will wonder if you’re newly in love.
And you are- with your very own creative life.
Creatively yours,
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